View and Access Resources

A broker instance has many resources associated with it. See also:

The following sections contain links to the GCP Console where you can view resources, plus descriptions of what you can view/do there, and some useful shell and Python commands. (Dashboards first, then alphabetical.)


GCP Console

Go directly to the dashboard for a specific broker instance by replacing “<survey>” and “<testid>” with appropriate values in the following url:<survey>-<testid>

This has charts related to:

  • VM network and CPU usage

  • Pub/Sub streams: rates and nightly cumulative totals

  • Dataflow jobs: lag metrics and number of vCPUs in use


GCP Console

Expand the list under your project name, then expand a dataset, then click on a table name to view details and options.

See also:

Cloud Functions

GCP Console

Click on a function name. From here you can:

  • view live* monitoring charts

  • view and edit job details

  • view the source code

  • view the logs

  • test the function

See also:

Cloud Scheduler

GCP Console

From here you can - view job details and logs - create, edit, pause/resume, and delete jobs

The auto-schedulers of all broker instances share the following logs:

See also:

Here are some useful shell commands:

Example: Change the time than an uptime check runs

schedule='0 2 * * *'  # UTC. unix-cron format

gcloud scheduler jobs update pubsub $jobname --schedule "${schedule}"

Example: Pause/resume both uptime checks.


# pause the jobs
gcloud scheduler jobs pause $startjob
gcloud scheduler jobs pause $endjob

# resume the jobs
gcloud scheduler jobs resume $startjob
gcloud scheduler jobs resume $endjob

Cloud Storage buckets

GCP Console

Click on the name of a bucket to view files and options.

See also:

Compute Engine VMs

GCP Console

From here you can:

  • schedule instances

  • Click on the name of one of your VMs. From here you can:
    • start/stop the instance

    • access the logs

    • view and edit the metadata attributes

    • view and edit other configs

    • click a button to ssh into the instance

    • view performance stats and live* monitoring charts

See also:

Here are some useful shell commands:

Manage schedules:

# list schedules (and other resource policies)
gcloud compute resource-policies list

# example schedule name

# view schedule details
gcloud compute resource-policies describe "${SCHEDULE_NAME}"

The easiest way to update a schedule is to delete the old schedule, then create a new schedule, then attach the new schedule.

Examples: Start, stop, ssh in:

vm_name=  # fill this in

# start it
gcloud compute instances start --zone="$zone" "$vm_name"
# stop it
gcloud compute instances stop --zone="$zone" "$vm_name"
# ssh in
gcloud compute ssh --zone="$zone" "$vm_name"

Example: Set consumer’s Kafka and/or Pub/Sub topics

# Example VM name:

# Example attributes:
KAFKA_TOPIC_FORCE=""                                # default, today's topic (UTC)
# KAFKA_TOPIC_FORCE="ztf_20220302_programid1"       # Kafka topic from Mar 2, 2022
PS_TOPIC_FORCE=""                                   # default alerts Pub/Sub topic
# PS_TOPIC_FORCE="my-alerts"                        # Pub/Sub topic named my-alerts

# Set the topics as metadata attributes:
gcloud compute instances add-metadata "$vm_name" \

# Unset the topic attributes
gcloud compute instances add-metadata --zone="$zone" "$vm_name" \

Example: Set night-conductor’s startup script

# set the startup script
gcloud compute instances add-metadata "$nconductVM" --zone "$zone" \
        --metadata startup-script-url="$startupscript"
# unset the startup script
gcloud compute instances add-metadata "$nconductVM" --zone "$zone" \
        --metadata startup-script-url=""

Dataflow jobs

GCP Console

Click on a job name. From here you can:

  • view details about the job

  • stop/cancel/drain the job

  • view and interact with the graph that represents the pipeline PCollections and Transforms. Click on a node to view details about that step, including live throughput charts.

  • view a page of live* monitoring charts (click “JOB METRICS” tab at the top)

  • access the logs. Click “LOGS” at the top, you will see tabs for “JOB LOGS”, “WORKER LOGS”, and “DIAGNOSTICS”. Note that if you select a step in the graph you will only see logs related to that step (unselect the step to view logs for the full job). It’s easiest to view the logs if you open them in the Logs Viewer by clicking the icon.

Command-line access:

  • To start or update a job from the command line, see the README at broker/beam/

  • Job IDs: To update or stop a Dataflow job from the command line, you would need to look up the job ID assigned by Dataflow at runtime. If the night conductor VM started the job, the job ID has been set as a metadata attribute (see Compute Engine VMs).

Logs Explorer

GCP Console

View/query all (most?) logs for the project.

Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions

GCP Console (topics) | GCP Console (subscriptions)

Click on a topic/subscription. From here you can:

  • view and edit topic/subscription details

  • view live* monitoring charts

* Live monitoring charts have some lag time.