Initial Setup

Learning Objectives:

  • Complete the initial setup for data access

    1. Create a new GCP project.

    2. Create a service account and configure authentication on a local machine.

    3. Enable the APIs on your project and install related tools locally.

Our broker lives on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). To access the data you need a free GCP project of your own, with a configured service account giving you access to Google’s APIs. You can then connect using many different languages; our tutorials (except this one) demonstrate Python and command-line methods.

Complete this tutorial one of two ways:

This setup only needs to be done once per project/local machine.

Method A: Command line

Choose some parameters that will be used to create and configure your GCP project:

# project ID. it must be unique, so at least add a number here

# service account name

# local path to store your key file, ending with .json

# nothing to choose here, just set this variable

We will use the gcloud tool to manage the project. Using the commands below, install it and connect it to a Google or Gmail account (go here if you need to create one). This installs a CLI package that also includes the bq and gsutil tools.

# install the CLI
curl | bash  # Linux and MacOS:
    # Windows: see
# follow the directions

# open a new terminal or restart your shell
# exec -l $SHELL

# connect to a Google account
gcloud init
gcloud auth login
# this will open a browser and prompt you for authorization. follow the instructions

Create a new GCP project and set it as your local default.

gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Create a service account, give it owner permissions, and download an authentication key file.

gcloud iam service-accounts create $SA_NAME
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL" \
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $KEY_PATH --iam-account=$SA_EMAIL

Set local environment variables that will be used by API calls.


Enable the desired APIs. Here are some options:

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

Install the desired Python APIs. Here are some options:

# Option 1:
pip install pgb-utils
# most of our tutorials use this
# it also installs everything listed below

# Option 2: install only specific Google Cloud APIs. some options:
pip install google-cloud-bigquery
pip install google-cloud-pubsub
pip install google-cloud-storage

To permanently DELETE the project when you are done, use (uncomment the line):

# gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID

Method B: GCP Console

Step 1

Go to the Cloud Resource Manager and login with a Google account (go here if you need to create one). Click “Create Project” (A). Enter a project name and write down the project ID (B) for the following code. Click “Create”.

GCP setup

Step 2

Follow the instructions at Creating a service account to create a service account and download the key file for authentication.

Set local environment variables that will be used by API calls.

# insert your project ID from step 1:
# insert the path to the key file you just downloaded


Step 3

Enable the desired APIs. Go to the API Library, click on the API you want, then click “Enable”. Here are direct links to the most common APIs. Note that you may need to select your project from the dropdown at the top. - Pub/Sub - BigQuery - Cloud Storage

Install the desired Python APIs. Here are some options:

# Option 1:
pip install pgb-utils
# most of our tutorials use this
# it also installs everything listed below

# Option 2: install only specific Google Cloud APIs. some options:
pip install google-cloud-bigquery
pip install google-cloud-pubsub
pip install google-cloud-storage

To delete

To permanently DELETE the project when you are done, go to the Cloud Resource Manager, select your project, and click “DELETE”.