Source code for broker.broker_utils.broker_utils.data_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""The ``data_utils`` module contains common functions used to manipulate
survey and broker data.

from typing import Tuple

from astropy.time import Time
import fastavro
from io import BytesIO
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

[docs]def decode_alert( alert_avro: Union[str, bytes], return_as: str = 'dict', schema_map: Optional[dict] = None, drop_cutouts: bool = False, ) -> Union[dict, pd.DataFrame]: """Load an alert Avro and return in requested format. Wraps `alert_avro_to_dict()` and `alert_dict_to_dataframe()`. Args: alert_avro: Either the path of Avro file to load, or the bytes encoding the Avro-formated alert. return_as: Format the alert will be returned in. schema_map: Mapping between survey schema and broker's generic schema. Required if `return_as='df'` or `drop_cutouts=True`. drop_cutouts: Whether to drop or return the cutouts (stamps). If `return_as='df'` the cutouts are always dropped. Returns: alert packet in requested format """ alert_dict = alert_avro_to_dict(alert_avro) if return_as == "dict": if drop_cutouts: if schema_map is not None: return _drop_cutouts(alert_dict, schema_map) else: raise ValueError("`schema_map` required to drop cutouts.") else: return alert_dict elif return_as == "df": if schema_map is not None: return alert_dict_to_dataframe(alert_dict, schema_map) else: raise ValueError("`schema_map` required if `return_as='df'`.") else: raise ValueError("`return_as` must be one of 'dict' or 'df'.")
[docs]def alert_avro_to_dict(alert_avro: Union[str, bytes]) -> dict: """Load an alert Avro to a dictionary. Args: alert_avro: Either the path of Avro file to load, or the bytes encoding the Avro-formated alert. Returns: alert as a dict """ if isinstance(alert_avro, str): with open(alert_avro, 'rb') as fin: alert_list = [r for r in fastavro.reader(fin)] # list of dicts elif isinstance(alert_avro, bytes): try: with BytesIO(alert_avro) as fin: alert_list = [r for r in fastavro.reader(fin)] # list of dicts except ValueError: try: # this function is mis-named because here we accept json encoding. # consider re-encoding alert packets using original Avro format # throughout broker to give users a consistent end-product. # then this except block will be unnecessary. alert_list = [json.loads(alert_avro.decode("UTF-8"))] # list of dicts except ValueError: msg = ( "alert_avro is a bytes object, but does not seem to be either " "json or Avro encoded. Cannot decode." ) raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = ( "Unable to open alert_avro. " "It must be either the path to a valid Avro file as a string, " "or bytes encoding an Avro-formated alert." ) raise TypeError(msg) # we expect the list to contain exactly 1 entry if len(alert_list) == 0: raise ValueError('The alert Avro contains 0 valid entries.') if len(alert_list) > 1: raise ValueError('The alert Avro contains >1 entry.') alert_dict = alert_list[0] return alert_dict
[docs]def alert_dict_to_dataframe(alert_dict: dict, schema_map: dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Packages an alert into a dataframe. Adapted from: """ if not isinstance(schema_map, dict): raise TypeError("`schema_map` is not a dictionary.") src_df = pd.DataFrame(alert_dict[schema_map['source']], index=[0]) prvs_df = pd.DataFrame(alert_dict[schema_map['prvSources']]) df = pd.concat([src_df, prvs_df], ignore_index=True) # attach some metadata. note this may not be preserved after all operations # # make sure this does not overwrite existing columns if "objectId" not in df.keys(): df.objectId = alert_dict[schema_map['objectId']] if "sourceId" not in df.keys(): df.sourceId = alert_dict[schema_map['sourceId']] return df
def _drop_cutouts(alert_dict: dict, schema_map: dict) -> dict: """Drop the cutouts from the alert dictionary.""" cutouts = [ schema_map['cutoutScience'], schema_map['cutoutTemplate'], schema_map['cutoutDifference'] ] if schema_map['SURVEY'] == 'decat': alert_lite = {k: v for k, v in alert_dict.items()} for co in cutouts: alert_lite[schema_map['source']].pop(co, None) for psource in alert_lite[schema_map['prvSources']]: psource.pop(co, None) elif schema_map['SURVEY'] == 'ztf': alert_lite = {k: v for k, v in alert_dict.items() if k not in cutouts} return alert_lite
[docs]def mag_to_flux(mag: float, zeropoint: float, magerr: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Converts an AB magnitude and its error to fluxes. """ flux = 10 ** ((zeropoint - mag) / 2.5) fluxerr = flux * magerr * np.log(10 / 2.5) return flux, fluxerr
[docs]def jd_to_mjd(jd: float) -> float: """ Converts Julian Date to modified Julian Date. """ return Time(jd, format='jd').mjd