Software Overview

Broker Components

The consumer (1, see list below) ingests a survey’s Kafka stream and republishes it as a Pub/Sub stream. The data storage (2 and 3) and science processing () components subscribe to the consumer’s Pub/Sub stream. (The SuperNNova classifier (4) is implemented separately.) These components store their output data in Cloud Storage and/or BigQuery, and publish to dedicated Pub/Sub topics. The night conductor (5) processes Pub/Sub counter subscriptions to collect metadata. Uptime checks (6) check that VMs start/stop as expected.

To view the resources, see View and Access Resources.

Details and Name Stubs

Resource name stubs are given below in brackets []. For a given broker instance, the actual resource names will have the survey keyword prepended, and the testid keyword appended. The character “-” separates the stub from the keywords (unless it is restricted by GCP naming rules, in which case “_” is used). For example, a broker instance set up with survey=ztf and testid=mytestid will have a consumer VM named ztf-consumer-mytestid. See Broker Instance Keywords for details. Note that Cloud Storage buckets also have the project ID prepended, for uniqueness across GCP.

  1. Consumer (Kafka -> Pub/Sub)

    • Compute Engine VM [consumer]

  2. Avro File Storage (alert -> fix schema if needed -> Cloud Storage bucket)

    • Cloud Function [upload_bytes_to_bucket]

      • Listens to PS topic [alerts]

      • Stores in GCS bucket [alert_avros]

      • GCS bucket triggers Pub/Sub topic [alert_avros]

  3. BigQuery Database Storage (alert -> BigQuery)

    • Cloud Function [store_in_BigQuery]

      • Listens to PS topic [alerts]

      • Stores in BQ dataset [alerts] in tables [alerts] and [DIASource]

      • Publishes to Pub/Sub topic [BigQuery]

  4. SuperNNova Classifier (extragalactic transient alert -> SuperNNova -> {BigQuery, Pub/Sub})

    • Cloud Function [classify_with_SuperNNova]

      • Listens to PS topic [exgalac_trans_cf]

        • this stream is emitted by the Cloud Function [filter_exgalac_trans], which implements the same extragalactic transient filter as the Dataflow job, for comparison.

      • Stores in BigQuery table [SuperNNova]

      • Publishes to PS topic [SuperNNova]

  5. Night Conductor (collects metadata)

    • Compute Engine VM [night-conductor] running a python script

  6. Uptime checks (check that VMs start/stop as expected)

    • Cloud Function [cue_night_conductor]

      • Listens to PS topic [cue_night_conductor] which is published by the Cloud Scheduler cron jobs [cue_night_conductor_START and cue_night_conductor_END]

Broker Files

All scripts and config files used by the broker are stored in the Cloud Storage bucket [broker_files]. Fresh copies are downloaded/accessed prior to use each night. This is mostly accessed by the VMs [night-conductor and consumer], but the broker_utils package also uses this bucket. This allows us to update most components of the broker by simply replacing the relevant files in the bucket, which is particularly useful for development and testing.

See View and Access Resources to find the [broker_files] bucket.

broker_utils Python package

The broker_utils Python package contains tools used throughout the broker, and tools useful for broker development and testing. Of particular note is the schema_maps module, which components use to load the schema map stored in the Cloud Storage bucket [broker_files].

To install:

pip install pgb-broker-utils

To import:

import broker_utils

Includes the following modules:

  1. beam_transforms: custom transforms used in Beam jobs

  2. consumer_simulator: tool to pull alerts from a Pub/Sub “reservoir” and publish them to the alerts topic

  3. data_utils: generally useful functions for dealing with the data (alert_avro_to_dict(), mag_to_flux(), etc.)

  4. gcp_utils: common interactions with GCP (download a file from Cloud Storage, load a row to BigQuery)

  5. schema_maps: retrieve a schema map from Cloud Storage, used to translate field names of a particular survey into generic names used in the broker