Setup the Broker


First, complete the Initial Setup to setup your Google Cloud project and install the SDKs. Make sure your environment variables are set:

# If you installed the SDKs to a Conda environment, activate it.
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=ardent-cycling-243415
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path/to/GCP/credentials.json>

Setup the Broker Instance

# Clone the repo and navigate to the setup directory
git clone
cd Pitt-Google-Broker/broker/setup_broker

# Setup a broker instance
survey=ztf  # ztf or decat
testid=mytest  # replace with your choice of testid
teardown=False  # False to create resources
version="3.3"  # avro schema version of incoming alerts

# setup all GCP resources for a broker instance
./ "$testid" "$teardown" "$survey" "$version"

See Software Overview for a description of survey, testid, and version (which gets transformed to a versiontag). When the Avro schema changes, a new alerts_{versiontag} table and bucket need to be created, and the versiontag environment variable on all Cloud Functions needs to be updated.

See What does do? for details about the script itself.

Upload Kafka Authentication Files

Note: Do this before the consumer VM finishes its install and shuts itself down. Else, you’ll need to start it again (see here).

The consumer VM requires two authorization files to connect to the ZTF stream. These must be obtained independently and uploaded to the VM manually, stored at the following locations:

  1. krb5.conf, at VM path /etc/krb5.conf

  2. pitt-reader.user.keytab, at VM path /home/broker/consumer/pitt-reader.user.keytab

You can use the gcloud compute scp command for this:

survey=ztf  # use the same survey used in broker setup
testid=mytest  # use the same testid used in broker setup
zone=us-central1-a  # use the VM's zone

gcloud compute scp krb5.conf "${survey}-consumer-${testid}:/etc/krb5.conf" --zone="${zone}"
gcloud compute scp pitt-reader.user.keytab "${survey}-consumer-${testid}:/home/broker/consumer/pitt-reader.user.keytab" --zone="${zone}"

What does do?

Resource name stubs are given below in brackets []. See Broker Instance Keywords for details.

  1. Create and configure GCP resources in BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Dashboard, and Pub/Sub. Print a URL to the instance’s Dashboard for the user. (You may be asked to authenticate yourself using gcloud auth login; follow the instructions. If you don’t have a bigqueryrc config file setup yet it will walk you through creating one.)

  2. Upload the directors broker/beam, broker/broker_utils/schema_maps, broker/consumer, and broker/night_conductor to the Cloud Storage bucket broker_files].

  3. Create and configure the Compute Engine instances night-conductor] and consumer]. with start/stop schedules. Disable the schedules on testing brokers.

  4. Create Cloud Scheduler cron jobs cue_night_conductor_START] and cue_night_conductor_END] to check that the VM’s start/stop as expected. Print the schedule and the code needed to change it. If this is a Testing instance, pause the jobs and print the code needed to resume them.

  5. Configure Pub/Sub notifications (topic alert_avros]) on the Cloud Storage bucket alert_avros] that stores the alert Avro.

  6. Create a VM firewall rule to open the port used by ZTF’s Kafka stream. This step will fail because the rule already exists and we don’t need a separate rule for testing resources. You can ignore it.

  7. Deploy Cloud Functions.