
Pub/Sub Step-by-Step (note: not a tutorial to pub_sub_client)

Initial Setup

You’ll need to install some additional requirements to use Pub/Sub. The main requirement is the pubsub_v1 package, installable via

pip install google-cloud-pubsub

If you want to use the gcloud commands listed below without accessing the Google Cloud Platform webpage online, you’ll need to install gcloud via this webpage: Otherwise, you can use the Python-based commands instead.

Create a project in Google Cloud Platform after starting the $300 trial. Take note of the project number.

You’ll need to activate your APIs/Services and get an authentication JSON file:

  • Go to the Navigation menu (top left) and click, going down to APIs and Services and clicking–this will take you to the the Dashboard page.

  • Along the bottom, you should see a list of APIs.

  • Click on Cloud Pub/Sub API to access the Overview page for this API and then click on Credentials along the left side of the screen.

  • Click CREATE CREDENTIALS along the top and select Service account key as your option.

  • If you haven’t created a service account, you’ll need to select New service account and fill in the relevant information.

Note: I used “Role > Project > Owner” to get “full permissions”, but this may not be the best option in the future. Recently, I tried “Pub/Sub > Pub/Sub Editor” with equally good results for the service account. This allows them to “Modify topics and subscriptions, publish and consume messages.”

Note: The service account has an associated “name”, of sorts, that follows an email address format. It goes:, where you set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME and the PROJECT_ID is listed in the JSON file. The PROJECT_ID is not the same as the project number. This email address is also listed in the JSON file as “client_email”.

  • Then, make sure the JSON bullet option is still selected and click Create. This will create a JSON authentication file and download it to your computer.

  • Locate this file, rename it however you see fit, and move it wherever you like, though do take note of this file path. Add a line in your .bash_profile file and restart your terminal session:

  • To check if this variable was set correctly, type echo $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in your terminal to see if the correct file path is displayed. If so, you should be authenticated to use GCP from your current terminal session.

  • You should also see the service account key listed on the Credentials page, and there is a trashcan icon on the right in case you need to delete these authentication credentials. Note: doing so will make the JSON file useless.

Topics and Subscriptions

Starting a Topic

By python script:

from import pubsub_v1

project_id = 1111111111111	# replace with your project number
topic_name = my_topic	# replace with your topic name

publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_name)
topic = publisher.create_topic(topic_path)


  • Click on the Navigation menu and scroll down and click on Pub/Sub under Big Data.

  • This will take you to the Topics page, where you should see a + Create Topic button along the top. Click on it and type in a name for your topic, clicking Create when you’re done.

By GCP Console Commands:

gcloud pubsub topics create my_topic

Note: It may take a few seconds for the topic to appear on your project’s Topics page, so be patient.

Starting a Subscription

By python script:

from import pubsub_v1

project_id = 1111111111111	# replace with your project number
subscription_name = my_sub	# replace with your subscription name

subscriber = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()
topic_path = subscriber.topic_path(project_id, topic_name)
subscription_path = subscriber.subscription_path(project_id, subscription_name)

subscription = subscriber.create_subscription(subscription_path, topic_path)


  • Once the topic is available, click on it and then CREATE SUBSCRIPTION in the upper right. Here, you can enter a name for the subscription and change any of the settings.

  • Once you’re done, click Create.

By GCP Console Commands:

gcloud pubsub subscriptions create my-sub --topic my-topic

You can set the acknowledgment deadline time # (in seconds) using the option --ack-deadline=# at the end of the line above.

Note: It may take a few seconds for the subscription to appear on your project’s Subscriptions page, so be patient.

Setting Permissions for Local Work

To publish and retrieve messages from Python scripts on your laptop, the permissions need to be slightly altered on the topic and subscription (I’m still not sure why).

  • On your project’s Topics page, select your topic’s checkbox, which should make a new Info Panel appear on the right. If it doesn’t appear, select SHOW INFO PANEL along the top right corner to un-hide it.

  • Under the PERMISSIONS tab, you should see an Owner drop-down box. Clicking on it should reveal the two owners of this topic–the Google account you signed in as, and your service account email address.

Note: While it will say the service account’s ownership was inherited, this will not keep Google happy when it comes time to doing things with local Python scripts, or it didn’t for me, anyway.

  • Select Add member and paste the service account’s email address (see the Note in Initial Setup) in the New members box.

  • Since it inherited ownership, it should appear in a drop-down list below the Add member box; selecting the first entry worked for me, but the second may as well, I’m not sure.

  • Select the same “Role > Project > Owner” and click Save. You’ll notice that under the inherited column, the service account will now say mixed.

Repeat for the subscriptions you’d like to use, where the only change is in selecting the subscriptions by checkbox from your project’s Subscriptions page.

Publishing and Retrieving Messages

Some of the code below is largely taken from this quickstart guide, and here is the guide for using gcloud command-line tool.


Via python script, assuming the topic has already been made:

from import pubsub_v1

project_id = 1111111111111	# replace with your project number
topic_name = my_topic	# replace with your topic name

publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()

# The `topic_path` method creates a fully qualified identifier
# in the form `projects/{project_id}/topics/{topic_name}`

topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_name)

for n in range(1, 4):
    data = u'Message number {}'.format(n)
    # Data must be a bytestring
    data = data.encode('utf-8')
    # When you publish a message, the client returns a future.
    future = publisher.publish(topic_path, data=data)
    print('Published {} of message ID {}.'.format(data, future.result()))

print('Published messages.')

Via GCP Console Commands:

 gcloud pubsub topics publish my-topic --message hello
Retrieve/Pull Messages

Via python script, assuming the subscription has already been made:

from import pubsub_v1

project_id = 1111111111111	# replace with your project number
subscription_name = my_sub	# replace with your subscription name

subscriber = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()
# The `subscription_path` method creates a fully qualified identifier
# in the form `projects/{project_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_name}`
subscription_path = subscriber.subscription_path(project_id, subscription_name)

max_messages = 10
response = subscriber.pull(subscription_path, max_messages=max_messages)

ack_ids = []
for received_message in response.received_messages:
    print("Received: {}".format(

# Acknowledges the received messages so they will not be sent again.
subscriber.acknowledge(subscription_path, ack_ids)

print("Received and acknowledged {} messages. Done.".format(len(ack_ids)))

Via GCP Console Commands:

 gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack my-sub

The keyword --limit=# can be added between --auto-ack and my_sub to limit the number of messages you pull.

Ordering Messages

Pub/Sub attempts to deliver a message to a subscriber once and in order, but this cannot be guaranteed. A new feature called message ordering has been implemented to help resolve this issue, with documentation on publishing and more general info here. Unfortunately, this is in beta for a handful of the APIs and in a closed alpha for others, including python (as of 8/6/2020). Updating your install of google-cloud-pubsub to the lastest version (8/62020: 1.7.0) will download code that has support for the new keyword, but it will not allow you to use the keyword when publishing. The following instructions are for future reference when these features become available, either in beta or through general availability.

First, enable message ordering for the subscription.


  • When creating the subscription, select the checkbox to enable message ordering.

  • Edit an existing subscription’s settings and check the box to enable message ordering.

By GCP Console Commands:

gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions create my-sub --topic my-topic --enable-message-ordering

Then, when publishing a message, include a message_ordering keyword to your publisher.publish call. This should be a string. All messages that have the same message_ordering argument will then be compared by date, and the oldest messages among that group will be sent first.

Note: Pub/Sub will only compare messages that have the same argument for the message_ordering keyword. It will also preferentially send the oldest messages among those it compares! The addition of the keyword should look something like this:

publisher.publish(topic_path, data=data, message_ordering='orderstring')